Commemorative Plaque to Josef John on his House of Birth in Petrův Dvůr
Dating: 2002
The memorial plaque commemorating the important forester Josef John (1802–1871) was unveiled in Petrův Dvůr near Netolice in 2002. The plaque commemorates John’s work in the service of the Schwarzenberg family where he had great part in bringing about the establishing of the Boubín Forest Reserve in 1858.
The plaque commemorating Josef John was unveiled on the house of his birth in Petrův Dvůr on August 3 2002 on the occasion of the bicentenary of his birth on the then Schwarzenberg estate of Netolice. The installation of the plaque was instigated by the Netolice municipality. The text on the plaque commemorates the fact that John as the Schwarzenbergs` forester had been instrumental in the establishing of nature reserve in the Boubín Forest. The idea of creating the reserve was based on his in-depth knowledge of the Schwarzenberg forests, which he had acquired during his studies at the Schwarzenberg forestry school in the Golden Crown, as well as during his time in the Schwarzenberg services. Over time, John became a great opponent of clear-cutting and advocated a mixed, naturally occurring forest. He highly valued the original forests of Šumava and this led to his efforts in establishing the Boubín Forest Reserve.
Connected places:
Johnův kámen; Pamětní deska Josefa Johna a vyhlášení Boubínského pralesa v Idině Pile; Hrob Josefa Johna ve Vimperku; Založení Boubínského pralesa
Keywords: botany; ecology; forestry; Boubín Forest Reserve; nature conservation; the Schwarzenberg estate; Netolice region
Macar, V.: Schwarzenberský lesmistr Josef John a jeho „Kámen“. In: Obnovená tradice 3/1993, s. 13–17.
Havlátková, S., Hubený, P., Balda, P.: Boubínský prales – ostrov divoké přírody. Vimperk 2009.
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Author's initials: LeO
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