Grave of Franz J. Gerstner in Chomutov

Dating: 1832


Clearly the most famous person born in Chomutov, Franz Josef Gerstner (1756–1832) was a mathematician, physicist, astronomer, engineer and designer. He was the founder and first director of the Polytechnic in Prague (now CTU). One of his most famous achievements was his plan for a horse-drawn carriage route from České Budějovice to Linz. He was awarded a knighthood in 1810 in recognition of his work. 
After his death Gerstner was buried in Mladějov near Jičín, but in 1932 the town of Chomutov had an honorary grave set up, into which part of his remains were moved.


Gerstner spent the last days of his life staying with his daughter in Mladějov near Jičín. He died in June 1832 and is also buried there. A hundred years later, in June 1932, an event commemorating the anniversary of Gerstner’s death was held in Chomutov. A memorial was unveiled on Siemensovo náměstí square (now náměstí T. G. Masaryka); part of Gerstner’s remains were also raised from the grave in Mladějov and taken to Chomutov, where a grave had been set up by the town for this purpose. This stands right by the unplastered cemetery wall and consists of a tombstone inscribed in German, commemorating the return of the remains of this “pioneer of his era” and “great son” back to his birthplace. In front of the grave there is a bronze plaque with Gerstner’s biographical details. His grave has been a cultural monument since 1958.

Connected places: František Josef Gerstner

The birthplace of Franz J. Gerstner in ChomutovPamátník Františka Josefa Gerstnera v Chomutově; Rodný dům Františka J. Gerstnera v Chomutově

Keywords: astronomy; physics; mathematics; grave; Chomutov


Památkový katalog. URL: [18. 5. 2021].
Prohlídkové trasy Chomutova. URL: [18. 5. 2021].
Psota, F.: Historie Gerstnerova náhrobku. Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 2/1957, č. 3, s. 333–335.

Author's initials: jam


The honorary grave stands right by the cemetery wall. (Author: AH)

Detail of the tombstone with details of the transfer of the remains in 1932. (Author: AH)

Franz Joseph Ritter von Gerstner (Author: public domain)