Karel Osvald commemorative plaque in Deštnice

1899–1948 (plaque unveiled 1999) 
Karel Osvald was a leading figure in Czech hop growing, a breeder and promoter of modern breeding methods using clone selection in original regional stands. His clones of the Žatec (Saaz) semi-early red-bine hop, grown in more than 80 % of Czech hop fields, are indispensable for the brewing industry all over the world owing to their mild bitterness. Plaque with bust is situated on the site of the former Hop Research Station, which was managed by Osvald during the 1930s. 
The commemorative plaque and bust were unveiled in Deštnice to mark the one hundredth anniversary of his birth, 21st September 1999. It is situated right in front of the research station, where Osvald spend much of his professional life. The plaque commemorates not only the prominent hop breeder and the results of his work, with also the existence of the Deštnice hop research station. The unveiling ceremony was attended by Osvald’s daughter Dagmar Šikulová as well as a number of guests from abroad, such as from Japan, the U.S., Germany and Great Britain. 
Krsek, M.: Nejslavnější značky Ústeckého kraje. Ústí nad Labem 2009.
Strnadová, D.: Karel Osvald a jeho přínos českému chmelařství, in: Osobnosti v zemědělství (Prameny a studie 46). Praha 2011, s. 26–32.
Obec Deštnice. URL: https://www.destnice.cz/hospodarstvi [20. 7. 2021].
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Karel Osvald

Výzkumná stanice chmelařská v Deštnici; Chmelařský institut