
Plaque commemorating Bohuslav Raýman in Sobotka

The plaque commemorating the prominent chemist Bohuslav Raýman is situated on the house he was born in, on the square in Sobotka. Raýman was born there in 1852 and lived there for a short time. 
A prominent chemist, one of the founders of biochemistry in this country and the teacher of many great figures in Czech chemistry, including the Nobel Prize winner Jaroslav Heyrovský, this was Bohuslav Raýman. He was a crucial figure in the development of Czech organic chemistry, wrote a number of textbooks and he himself specialised in research into carbohydrates and analytical and preparative chemistry. He also played a major role in the organisation of chemistry teaching in this country, when he was involved in creating Czech chemical nomenclature. He was honoured by the town of Sobotka with the unveiling of a commemorative plaque in 2010 to mark the 100th anniversary of his death. The plaque was created at the initiative of the town of Sobotka, the Masaryk Institute and the Archive of the Czech Academy of Sciences, which organised a professional seminar on the life and work of this scientist. Raýman the chemist is also commemorated by a plaque in the local cemetery, dating from 1927.
ŠTRBÁŇOVÁ, S.: Bohuslav Raýman. Chemie a fyzika versus spekulace. Živa, 2/2020, str. 62─63.
BÍLEK, K.: Bohuslav Raýman: muž z krve a ohně setkaný (1852─1910). Akademický bulletin Akademie věd České republiky, 9/2010, s. 33.
BÍLEK, K: Bohuslav Raýman a Sobotka. Zpravodaj Šrámkovy Sobotky, 47/2010, č. 5, s. 6─7.
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